Personal Pages

These pages give more personal aspects of my story and my life. As such, these pages are always a work in progress. I've written a historical reflection (May 2020) that will be a chapter of a larger book [1].

Although I have an active research program, teaching and teaching research is highly important to me. I've been involved in mentoring faculty teaching. I'm making a few of the discussions available .

My Christian Faith is central to my life.

Discussions around consciousness

I have two daughters. Both seem to be on the road to being future Engineers. My two daughters are both Disney Nuts to different degrees. If you ask them their impression of me, they likely would use one of the following images

Tiggers bounce, and bounce, and bounce. My kids think I only stop to sleep. Then get up bouncing again. Apparently my graduate students think similarly.

Apparently of the characters from Inside Out (a disney film), I remind my kids of the character Joy.


[1] J. Hasler, Chapter 11 in A. Parker and L. Lunardi, Women in Microelectronics , 2020 (projected).