Book: Rainbow in The Word: LGBTQ Christians' Biblical Memoirs

Rainbow in the Word, edited by Ellin Sterne Jimmerson, by WIPF and STOCK Publishers , 2017.

"Rainbow in the Word introduces us to the beautiful voices of LGBTQ persons themselves, people who, against all odds, have kept the faith and who can speak for themselves. No conversation about these courageous and articulate Christians should take place without their own voices being heard. Highly recommended!" - Brian D. McLaren

"Rainbow in the Word offers earthbound models of Christian desire for transcendent meaning, which is no small accomplishment. This book's wisdom has been forged on life's tough anvil, yet each tale in it will endure, branded by the ability to take theology in some unexpectedly new directions. One amazing read!"

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Many know I'm a big proponent of e-books: Available on Amazon as an e-book;

The book has a chapter on the personal side of my journey. The chapter was adapted from my Fall 2016 NT sermon in my Candler class on preaching. You can also connect to the link from the editing author of the book