Introduction to Signal Processing
Summer 2023 (GT Metz)

Course Description: This course starts from the premise that Signal Processing should be the first course in an ECE curriculum, both providing a foundation for all other courses, as well as enabling students to make and experience significant ECE applications (sound / music and image filtering). This course is a unique course wasoriginally developed at Georgia Institute of Technology (GT) in the 1990s as the foundational course of the new computer engineering department. At GT, this course was developed by Ron Schafer and Jim McClellan, two of the handful of individuals who invented the field of Digital Signal Processing (DSP). I appreciated being a faculty member at GT during this development and getting to teach with them during this early implementation.

This course will continue along this tradition, with a focus primary, although not exclusively, on discrete-time signal processing. Some aspects of continuous-time signal processing are essential for understanding the discrete-time approaches (e.g. sampling), as well as they will be beneficial to other courses (e.g. Linear Circuits, ECE 2040).

Course Objectives:
  • To investigate signal processing (sampling, filtering, Fourier and Z transforms) with an emphasis on discrete-time systems.

Textbook: McClellan, Schafer, Yoder, Signal Processing First , Prentice Hall

You will need to have MATLAB, as the projects require using MATLAB. Depending on the particular school licences at a given time (these issues have shifted drastically over many years), you may or may not need the MATLAB student version ((

Honor Code : You are expected to uphold the honor code All violations will be referred to the Dean of Students for investigation and penalties.

Video watching : Videos are expected to be watched before monday morning class.

Monday Sessions : In class faculty led recitation (by Dr. Hasler).

Wednesday Sessions : Session for discussion, particularly focused on the MATLAB based project, and MATLAB project signoffs. Each session starts with the open-discussion session.