Course Material Overview
The course will navigate through the course topics similar to a typical dynamical systems class,
but with a focus on understanding physical phenomena leading towards intuition
to aid to design with nonlinear design techniques.
Often engineering courses discuss nonlinearities how best to suppress these effects;
this course will seek to embrace the nonlinear effects where possible.
The class is divided into seven equally weighted projects.
The project descriptions are connected to these links,
and the project due dates
(Thursday, submitted electronically by 11:59pm Metz time)
are listed below:
Course Topics
Proj. Due
First-Order ODEs with constant coefficients,
Normal forms from IC circuits,
and FPAA introduction.
Sept. 8
2: Non-Homogeneous ODE circuits.
First order systems with variable coefficients, Harmonic distortion,
and introduction to perturbation theory.
Sept. 22
3: Linear and Nonlnear second order
and higher order ODE circuits.
Second-order nonlinear dynamics, phase planes, and
time-constant and quality factor shift with nonlinearities.
Oct. 6
4: Bifurcations and oscillations .
Multi-time scale analysis, including time-constant and quality factor shift with nonlinearities.
Oct. 20
5: Example : Neuron dynamics, including
HH neurons and synfire chains.
Nov. 10
6: PDE Circuits :
heat equation (resistive networks),
wave equations (e.g. ladder filters)
Nov. 24
7: Individual projects
Dec. 8