Course Grading Policy :
Your grade will be determined
as the average of your seven project grades.
Each project is equally weighted.
Your last project replaced your final exam.
Projects will be electronically submitted on the thursday they are due.
We will have seven projects throughout the semester that are
a combination of theoretical dynamical systems problems,
experimental and theoretical circuit analysis,
as well as comparisons using computational tools.
Grades will be assigned on a curve; however,
I will guarantee the following grades if you reach the following percentages:
89% for an A, 79% for a B, 60% for a C, and 50% for a D. Rarely does the line for
a C or D move as a result of a curve; the curve for an A and B vary significantly
between classes.
Honor Code:
Although you are encouraged to work together to learn the course material, the exams and homework assignments are expected to be completed individually.
All conduct in this course will be governed by the Georgia Tech honor code.