ICElab Graduate Students

Gathering of related individuals to this research group at ISCAS 2017 including two related friends of this research group.

Discussions of my graduate students. These students are my former graduate students from my group. I'm not saying much about my current graduate students because to protect their privacy.

To start with, I will begin by saying my group is family. Each current member and former member is like family to me. I am proud of each and every one of them.

Previous Ph.D. students who are Academic Faculty

Name School Tenure
1. Tyson Hall Southern Adventist University Yes
2. Gail Rosen Drexel University Yes
3. David Graham West Virginia U. Yes
4. Kofi Odame Dartmouth U. Yes
5. Ryan Robucci U. Maryland, Baltimore County Yes
6. Guillermo Serrano U. of Puerto Rico Yes
7. Arindam Basu NTU, Singapore Yes
8. Sheng-Yu (Thomas) Peng Taiwan Tech, Taipei Yes
9. Scott Koziol Baylor University (Assist Dept. Chair) Yes
10. Sahil Shah University of Maryland 2025-2026 year

Article as well as a local copy, on former GT Ph.D. students moving towards Faculty positions (2019-2020), including Sahil Shah and Barry Muldrey.

Current Faculty members who were GT Ph.D. students Affiliated with ICElab Group:

Tina Hudson, professor Rose Hulman Institute of Technology. I was her unofficial Co-advisor at GT. Probably the most passionate teacher I have known. If you are a student at Rose Hulman, you have to take classes she is teaching. No matter the subject matter.

I have, as of now, one academic grad-child (Ph.D. Advisor: Gail Rosen) at University of Arizona. As an Arizona State University Graduate, all I can say is that God has an interesting sense of humor.

Hakan Toreyin, Assistant Professor, San Deigo State University. My group has been closely tied to Hakan through his Ph.d. and Postdoctorate research (Dr. Omer Inan's laboratory).

Barry Muldrey, Assistant Professor, University of Mississippi. My group have worked with Barry for many years starting during his Ph.D. years and after his Ph.D. years.

Additional Faculty Related Stories of those from ICE lab group:

  • Ethan Farquhar, Assistant Professor at University of Tennessee / Oak Ridge Laboratories
  • Christal Gordan, Assistant Professor at North Carolina State University
  • Chris Twigg, Assistant Professor at SUNY Binghamton,