ICE Laboratory Sponsered Courses at GT

Links to recent Courses Taught:

  • ECE 1882 : F2012,F2013
  • ECE 2026 : F2022, Sp 2023 (Metz)
  • ECE 2040 : S2019,F2020
  • ECE 3400 : S2012,S2014,F2016
  • ECE3803 : Su2023 (Metz)
  • ECE 4011-4012 : 2012-2021
  • ECE 4430 : F2017,F2019,F2021
  • ECE 6435 : S12,S14,S15,S16,S18,S20,S2022
  • ECE 6550 : F2022 (Metz)
  • IC Dynamics : 2009, ??

    Also advised multiple Senior Design Projects (ECE 4011/4012)

    Other courses taught: ECE 2025, 3030, 3040, 6414, 6420
  • Hands-on courses make use of the Scilab / Xcos Tools developed at GT.
    Further information on the Scilab / Xcos FPAA Tools.

    If you are interested in our hands-on measurement and design approach for circuits approachesi (e.g. Senior Level Analog IC Course: pdf ), we provide references [1-8] below.

    [1] C.Twigg and Hasler, "Incorporating Large-Scale FPAAs in Analog Design Courses,” IEEE International Conference on Microelectronic Systems Education (MSE), pp. 171 - 172.
    [2] C. Twigg and Hasler, "Incorporating Large-Scale FPAAs Into Analog Design and Test Courses,” IEEE Transactions on Education, Vol. 51, No. 3, pp. 319-324, August 2008.
    [3] Hasler, C. Scholttmann, and S. Koziol, "FPAA chips and tools as the center of an design-based analog systems education,” MSE 2011, pp. 47–51.
    [4] M. Collins, J. Hasler, and S. George, "Analog systems education: An integrated toolset and FPAA SoC boards," MSE 2015, pp. 32–35.
    [5] J. Hasler, S. Kim, S. Shah, F. Adil, M. Collins, S. Koziol, and S. Nease, "Transforming Mixed-Signal Circuits Class through SoC FPAA IC, PCB, and Toolset," European Workshop on Microelectronics Education, Southampton, May 2016.
    [6] M. Collins, J. Hasler, and S. Shah, "An approach to using RASP tools in analog systems education," FIE , October 2016.
    [7] J. Hasler, A. Natarajan, S. Shah, and S. Kim, "SoC FPAA Immersed Junior Level Circuits Course," MSE, May 2017. [8] J. Hasler, "A Senior-Level Analog IC Design Course Built on Open-Source Technologies," MSE, May 2022.

    "... acknowledged by the ancient maxim mathein pathein , which can be rendered either as 'to learn is to suffer' or 'to suffer is to learn.' So daunting is the suffering attached to serious learning that many people choose not to pursue it beyond what is strictly necessary for citizenship. Yet ignorance can also bring on suffering of a different kind, as a lack of learning disables a person from full participation in society. The pain of learning to read is real but positive; the pain of illiteracy is real and completely negative. Suffering in the first instance is temporary, but in the second instance it is lifelong. Mental growth also frequently involves pain, a form of suffering. The disequilibrium in this case is caused by the effort to assimilate new ideas, or even more, new paradigms of thought. Breaking out of former frameworks and stretching to grow into new insights involves a kind of mental pain that is acknowledged"

    The Revelatory Body: Theology as Inductive Art by Luke Timothy Johnson (Professor, now Emeritus, Candler School of Theology, Emory University).