Grading: Your course grade will be based on your performance on projects based on experimental data, design projects based on this data, maybe some short in-class exercises, and a final project or report. An additional web page of project policies is also provided. Prerequisite material: It is assumed that most students do not have a strong background in all of computing, analog circuits, and neuroscience. We design this course to have mostly self consistent lectures and material. We have to assume some basic starting points for the class so we can develop strength in these areas. We do expect some knowledge of transistor circuits (e.g. ECE 3400 and/or ECE 4430), as well as fluency in spoken and written English. Attendance: Students are responsible for all material covered in class, including changes in project schedules announced in class. The easiest way to do poorly in my class is to skip class or not pay attention while in class; conversely, paying attention to class material strongly correlates with higher grades. Further, I will not take up class time to review information that students have missed because of being excessively late. Academic Honesty: Although students are encouraged strongly to work together to learn the course material, all students are expected to complete projects (in the respective groups) individually, following all instructions. You may discuss project questions in large groups, but each group must independently perform and write-up the required work for each project. All conduct in this course will be governed by the Georgia Tech honor code. Additionally, it is expected that students will respect their peers and the instructor such that no one takes unfair advantage of anyone else associated with the course. Any suspected cases of academic dishonesty will be reported to the Dean of Students for further action. |