Open source EDA tools which are required in the OpenLANE flow, 1. Logic Synthesis - Yosys (and ABC) 2. Auto Place and route 3. LVS - Netgen 4. DRC, GDS Streaming out - Magic, Klayout 5. Static Timing Analysis - OpenSTA, OpenTimer 6. Schematic Capture - XSchem 7. Netlist Simulation - Ngspice The steps and process for complete OpenLANE setup with EDA tools has been provided by spiliting it into 4 sections! 1. Installation of dependencies 2. Installation of the required Tools 3. Installation of Docker for running OpenLANE 4. Moving the skywater130nm tech files to the respective tool's library ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1st step ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --Installation of dependencies, (Starting in the default directory /home/user or user@user-VirtualBox:~$) Note: user specified in the above comment is the name of your system which you might have given at the installation process of Ubuntu OS. sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install m4 tcsh csh libx11-dev libx11-xcb-dev tcl-dev tcllib swig \ tk-dev libcairo2-dev mesa-common-dev \ libglu1-mesa-dev libncurses-dev \ build-essential clang bison flex \ libreadline-dev gawk libffi-dev git \ graphviz xdot pkg-config python3 libboost-system-dev vim\ adms autoconf automake libtool libxpm-dev libxaw7-dev libssl-dev \ libboost-python-dev libboost-filesystem-dev zlib1g-dev --assume-yes --PLEASE INSTALL THE LATEST VERSION OF CMAKE BY LOOKING TO THE OFFICIAL WEBSITE --i.e change the versions below in the commands into the latest one available. (Starting in the default directory /home/user or user@user-VirtualBox:~$) wget tar -xvzf cmake-3.21.2.tar.gz cd cmake-3.21.2/ sudo ./bootstrap sudo make -j$(nproc) sudo make install cd ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd step ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --Installation of the required Tools, Note: #Ignore this Note 1. if you are following me completely 1. All the tools installation is done in the default diectory(/home/user), so if you wish to install all the tools in a folder and want to place that in desktop or anywhere then that would not be adviced if you aren't good with linux commands, but it is not that difficult the process will be same but there will be some changes in the commands where we copy files or link paths! 2. And if you want to find the path of the current directory use 'pwd' 1. Yosys (Starting in the default directory /home/user or user@user-VirtualBox:~$) git clone cd yosys/ sudo make sudo make install cd 2. Netgen (Starting in the default directory /home/user or user@user-VirtualBox:~$) git clone cd netgen/ ./configure sudo make sudo make install cd 3. Magic (Starting in the default directory /home/user or user@user-VirtualBox:~$) git clone cd magic/ ./configure sudo make sudo make install cd 4. Klayout (Starting in the default directory /home/user or user@user-VirtualBox:~$) sudo apt install klayout 5. OpenSTA and OpenTimer (Starting in the default directory /home/user or user@user-VirtualBox:~$) git clone cd OpenSTA/ mkdir build cd build/ cmake .. sudo make cd ../ sudo ln -s $PWD/app/sta /usr/bin/sta cd sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test -y sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install gcc-8 g++-8 --assume-yes cd /usr/bin sudo rm -rf g++ sudo ln -s g++-8 /usr/bin/g++ sudo rm -rf gcc sudo ln -s gcc-8 /usr/bin/gcc cd git clone cd OpenTimer/ mkdir build cd build cmake ../ sudo make cd ../ sudo ln -s $PWD/bin/ot-shell /usr/bin/OpenTimer cd 6.XSchem (Starting in the default directory /home/user or user@user-VirtualBox:~$) git clone cd xschem/ ./configure sudo make sudo make install cd -- The next few steps given below are for linking SKYWATER CELLS with Xschem, so these steps should be followed after the completetion of 3rd step(openlane installation) in this flow, so continue the installation with Ngspice (To generate .xschem file, first we need to run xschem one time!) xschem exit cd .xschem/ mkdir xschem_library cd xschem_library git clone xschem_sky130 cd xschem_sky130 vim xschemrc --Now in the file make sure the last five lines are the same! (it is nothing but changing the path directories) ## (spice patched) skywater-pdk install # set SKYWATER_MODELS ~OpenLane/pdks/skywater-pdk/libraries/sky130_fd_pr_ngspice/latest # set SKYWATER_STDCELLS ~OpenLane/pdks/skywater-pdk/libraries/sky130_fd_sc_hd/latest ## opencircuitdesign pdks install set SKYWATER_MODELS ~OpenLane/pdks/sky130A/ set SKYWATER_STDCELLS ~OpenLane/pdks/sky130A/libs.ref/sky130_fd_sc_hd/spice (Press i and start editing, for closing the file press Esc then :wq) --Now continue the commands below cd cd OpenLane/pdks/skywater-pdk/libraries cp -a sky130_fd_pr sky130_fd_pr_ngspice cd sky130_fd_pr_ngspice/latest patch -p2 < /home/user/.xschem/xschem_library/xschem_sky130/sky130_fd_pr.patch (user here is your system name that is similar to ~/.xschem .....) cd cd .xschem/simulations/ vim .spiceinit "press i" set ngbehavior=hs "press Esc then :wq" 7.Ngspice (Starting in the default directory /home/user or user@user-VirtualBox:~$) git clone git:// cd ngspice/ git checkout pre-master ./ --adms mkdir release cd release ../configure --with-x --enable-xspice --disable-debug --enable-cider --with-readline=yes --enable-openmp sudo make sudo make install cd 8. Maybe you need this too! (Install Icarus iverilog) sudo apt-get install -y iverilog --assume-yes sudo apt install gtkwave --assume-yes --Installation of Docker for running OpenLANE (Note: The following steps are given in the offical docker website) (Starting in the default directory /home/user or user@user-VirtualBox:~$) sudo apt-get remove docker docker-engine containerd runc (use this command if you have older version of docker installed) sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install \ apt-transport-https \ ca-certificates \ curl \ gnupg \ lsb-release curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg echo \ "deb [arch=amd64 signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg] \ $(lsb_release -cs) stable" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list > /dev/null sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli sudo groupadd docker sudo usermod -aG docker $USER sudo systemctl enable docker exit("reboot the system") ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd step ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --Installation of OpenPDKs, SkywaterPDKs, and docker setup for OpenLANE (Starting in the default directory /home/user or user@user-VirtualBox:~$) git clone cd OpenLane/ make openlane #Default PDK_ROOT is $(pwd)/pdks. If you want to install the PDK at a differnt location, uncomment the next line. #export PDK_ROOT= make pdk ("if you want full library, make full-pdk. Feel free to checkout the official OpenLane github for installation of specific library") cd pdks/skywater-pdk/ git submodule update --init libraries/sky130_fd_pr/latest make test "So if this test run is successful your installation of OpenLane is successful! Feel free to look at the mag,GDS, and other files of this test run by going to OpenLane/pdks/designs/spm/runs/openlane_test/results/" And you may try this, cd klayout OpenLane/pdks/designs/spm/runs/openlane_test/results/magic/spm.gds Wow that's great isnt it? Now we need to link the 130nm tech files to the respective tools to work on them ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th step ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --Moving the skywater130nm tech files to the respective tool's library 1.Magic (Starting in the default directory /home/user or user@user-VirtualBox:~$) sudo ln -s ~/OpenLane/pdks/sky130A/* /usr/local/lib/magic/sys/ 2.Klayout (Starting in the default directory /home/user or user@user-VirtualBox:~$) cd /usr/lib/klayout sudo mkdir sky130 sudo ln -s ~/OpenLane/pdks/sky130A/* /usr/lib/klayout/sky130/ cd 3.Netgen (Starting in the default directory /home/user or user@user-VirtualBox:~$) sudo ln -s ~/OpenLane/pdks/sky130A/* /usr/local/lib/netgen/tcl/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ That's it youre done!