Stability, Programmability, and further Amplifier Design

The goal of this project is to understand stability in amplifier design, as well as its implications for realistic analog design (e.g. parastic capacitors). Further, this project explicitly allows using Floating-Gate (FG) circuit techniques in the designs, although not required for the design project. You might find having these techniques helpful for your specifications.


  • Multi-capacitor systems and stability
  • Programmability
  • Comparators
  • More references

Class Schedule and Video Viewing

Date Class Topic On-Line Lectures Reading Material White Boards
Oct 12 Proj II review
FG Concepts I
Floating-Gate Circuit Intro
State Holding Divider,
Charge Summation,
Superposition Cap Circuit,
Cap + Amp
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Oct 17 2nd Order Circuits SOS Concepts,
2 State Variables 1
Diff2 SOS,
Adaptive Photoreceptor
2nd LPF Stages.
1, 2, 3, 4
Oct 19 Second-Order Design 2 State Variables 2,
Folded Cascode
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
Oct 24 Comparator Design Comparator Basics,
Comparitor Analysis,
1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
Oct 26 More Two-Timescales Gyrator Circuit
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
Oct 31 Broader Discussions Physical FG devices,
FG Folded Cascode,
Historical FG circuits,
Impact prog. FG --> analog ICs
Nov 2 Project Review
Project is due Nov. 3.

Course Materials

Reading Material

  • Tobi Delbruck's classic paper on the Adaptive Photoreceptor. Your first design is related to this circuit. This paper shows one particular application (of many) for this approach.
  • Classic Floating-Gate (FG) Circuit Approach for a Folded-Cascode Topology.
  • Chapter 10 Material : Attempts at Differentiators, including a typically used second-order section called Diff2
  • Fundamental Paper on Noise in Transistors by Dr. Sarpeskhar (currently at MIT)
  • Classic Design for an OTA-based, Low-Noise High-Gain Amplifier by Dr. Harrison.
  • Classic C4 Paper (Bandpass SOS)
  • Paper using FG devices for OTA based filters

Taped Lectures by Others

Lectures from Dr. Brad Minch (Olin) tht might be helpful:

  • Magic / Xschem Sky130 Vertical PNP Transistor Layout / Simulation / LVS Tutorial
  • Magic / Xschem Sky130 MIM Capacitor Layout Tutorial
  • Layout Design, Layout-Driven Schematic Capture, and LVS Verification of a Single-Phase D Flip-Flop

Previous Lecture Boards (2019)

Previous Lecture Boards (2017)

Design Project

This design project includes two circuit design opportunities, analytic questions related to the first design problem (Transimpedance Amplifer Design), and the design of a Floating-Gate (FG) element that may be useful this project and/or the following project.

All groups: will design a 4+ transistor transimpedance amplifier, current input to voltage output, that has significant signal gain.

All groups will be assigned one of two amplifier designs:

  • folded cascode CMOS on-chip op-amp.
  • A latched comparator.

Analytic Questions for Transimpedance Amplifier Design

These analytic questions will be quite helpful for you to understand your Transimpedance Amplifier design. You will work through these questions before starting your design, and you should include roughly one page (two full pages is likely too long) discussing these aspects in your writeup. The questions will directly connect to Figure 1. For the analytic questions, assume the ratio between C1 and C2 is 10. Assume typical device parameters ("kappa", "sigma") throughout the analysis. You will be looking at large-signal and small-signal analysis approaches through these questions.

Figure 1: Two candidate transimpedance circuits to convert an input current to an output voltage. (a) Basic transimpedance circuit. (b) Frequency dependant transimpedance circuit. High-frequency gain is higher than low-frequency gain.

  • Figure 1a shows a simple transimpedance amplifier using a single transistor. This transimpedance amplifier has a log( i ) versus Vout. Logarithmic receptors have a property that makes them good for sensory perception. What is that property? Sketch a plot of the expected output voltage as a function of the input current over a couple orders of magnitude with constant bias voltage. What is the slope of the response?
  • Compute the large signal input-current--output-voltage relationship of the two transimpedance amplifiers in Fig. 1a and Fig. 1b. For Fig. 1b, compute both the transient function and the DC function. The transient function is the circuit response to a sudden change in the input current (e.g. step function). The DC function is the circuit response to a long steady input current. Then make the assumption that the gain of the feedback amplifier (the high-gain stage) is large compared with the capacitive divider ratio.
  • What is the expected gain of the common-source amplifier in Fig. 1b for subthreshold currents? This computation shows that we can probably safely make the assumption that amplifier gain is larger than the attenuation from the capacitive divider.
  • Assume that the gain is not infinite, and Compute the response of the input node in response to i.
  • Consider Fig. 1a transimpedance amplifier considering small-signal inputs, so we can use small-signal modeling for these expressions. The small-signal cases will tell us about the speed of the circuit in the case of a small perturbation on top of a large background signal, which is the real-world situation.
    From your above expressions, compute the small-signal gain. Small-signal gain is the output voltage change relative to a small change i in input.
  • How do the logarithmic properties of the circuit in Fig. 1a appear in the small-signal gain expressions? What does ``small-signal'' mean in terms of the input intensity?
  • For Fig. 1a, the capacitance (Csensor) and the background sensor current (Isensor) determine how fast the receptor responds to a small change i in the intensity. Compute the first-order time-constant of the response.
  • The following questions relate to time response for Fig. 1b, and you can assume small-signal input signals. Neglect the effect of the adaptive feedback element, and the charge on the resulting "floating node" is fixed.
    Compute the small-signal gain of the circuit. What is the time-constant of the small-signal response (assuming the feedback amplifier is much faster tthan sensor state variable)?
  • What is the total loop gain, of the circuit? The total loop gain is the gain all the way around the loop, multiplying all gain elements in series.
  • What is the speedup of Fig. 1b over the speed of the Fig. 1a? Express this speedup in terms of the total loop gain.

Floating-Gate Circuit Design

This section is to start getting you use to working with Floating-Gate (FG) circuit techniques. These techniques allow the user to program an analog value into a circuit. Biasing techniques become straightforward if the required FG infrastructure if available. In the next project, we will talk about how to integrate these devices into a programming infrastructure.
  • Lay out a fully functional FG transistor (in pitch). You will need to use a MOS capacitor for your gate input. Attempt extraction of this device. Make sure all terminals are labeled; the device must be fully functional.
  • Make a common-source amplifier where the FG transistor (pFET) is the active transistor, and an nFET transistor is the biasing current source. You should set the nFET gate voltage with an external voltage. Use your layout above for the FG pFET device, layout the entire circuit, and extract the resulting circuit. Fill in details where your extraction is not correct. Perform a transfer-function (low-frequency) simulation of this circuit. Note the resulting gain, and equate that gain to your circuit parameters, either explicit or extracted.

Transimpedance Amplifier Design

You will be designing the four transistor transimpedance amplifier. A few key points for this design:
  • The circuit will include a cascode transistor.
  • Assume the input will be a sensor that you can approximate as a current source.
  • Your circuit must be self contained, that is all signal voltages (voltage that have dc path to GND) must be within the power supplies, 0V and 1.8V.
  • You can have additional transistors if you desire to do so.
  • You should assume you have a single voltage bias for Vt.
  • The output load capacitance is 25fF. You can add more capacitance as required.
  • You will use the same capacitance extraction parameters as the last project.
  • The designs will have the primary constraints of being in the same 6500nm pitch and same structure within that pitch as last time. You can assume there is one bootstrap current source reference with 100kOhmresistance.
You need to choose your Vbias for your required bias current. You need to minimize your bias current, and how you minimize the bias current is part of your grade. You need to measure your noise level, and minimize where possible. You can add transistors, work with the W/L of the transistors, etc. Don't forget your cascode transistor. Amplifier parameters:
  • Input Current Range = 0.1nA to 10nA,
  • Sensor capacitance 500fF
  • Voltage range over current level: 1100mV between 0 and 1.8V
  • Output load capacitance >= 25fF
  • Power = 1uW
  • Bandwidth = 20kHz

You must demonstrate stability. You must show the step response for your designs. Stability is defined as Q <= 1, which is equivalent to at least 45 degrees of phase margin. For the amplifier design, this stability should be demonstrated for the amplifier connected as a unity gain amplifier.

Folded-Cascode Amplifier Design

Some groups are assigned to designing a folded-cascode amplifier. Your design must again be within the 6500 pitch, and the width dimension should be minimized as it is one criteria for the grading. The design is a differential input, single-ended output amplifier. Some specifications are

  • Gain > 30,000
  • CMRR (Common-Mode Rejection Ratio) > 1000000
  • Input swing: must allow signals to 0V (if not, then 0 points on this parameter design). The upper range of the signals must be at least 1.0V.
  • Output swing: Must enable 1.0V swing over the 1.8V supply.
  • You will assume your device is driving a 0.3pF load. You may add more capacitance as needed.
  • You will use the same capacitance extraction parameters as the last project.
  • Unity-gain stability: Q <=1 (45 degrees phase margin)

Folded Cascode op-amp parameters for all teams:

  • Amplifier Bandwidth 3.3 kHz
  • Slew Rate 40 V/us
  • Noise Performance 25 nV/sqrt(Hz)
  • Power Dissipation 0.5 mW

The noise measurement is input referred, that is, if one has an ideal noise voltage source, it would appear in series with either the input to the positive or negative terminal. Typically from SPICE for a noise measurement, you will get noise / rt(Hz) at the output (we are only assuming thermal noise for this project), so an approximate measurement is to divide by the lowest in-band gain (you have a given -3dB frequency, so take the lowest gain in that region) to get your input referred noise / rt(Hz).

You must demonstrate stability. You must show the step response for your designs. Stability is defined as Q <= 1, which is equivalent to at least 45 degrees of phase margin. For the amplifier design, this stability should be demonstrated for the amplifier connected as a unity gain amplifier.

Comparator Amplifier Circuit Design

Some groups are assigned to designing a comparator amplifier circuit. Your design must again be within the 6500 pitch, and the width dimension should be minimized as it is one criteria for the grading. The design is a differential input, single-ended output comparator amplifier.

  • Your circuit must be self contained, that is all signal voltages (voltage that have dc path to GND) must be within the power supplies, 0V and 1.8V.
  • Output load capacitance >= 25fF
  • A difference between the inputs and the settling time for the output voltage will be given to particular groups.
  • Minimize bias current as well as minimize area.