Problem 9.4-3

Let’s separate the current into iS (for the source, on the left) and iC (for the capacitor, on the right). We have iL = iC + iS

We have, for the KVL in the left loop:

Vs = 1*iS + 2* iL + L*diL/dt

But iL = iC + iS so Vs = iS + 2*(iC + iS)+ L*diL/dt

And replacing iS = iL – iC

We get Vs = 3*iL – iC + L*diL/dt  (1)

For the right side loop, we have:

VC = 2*iL + L*diL/dt and we have iC = - C*dVC/dt

Thus iC = - C*(2diL/dt+ L*d2iL/dt2)

By replacing this iC in the equation (1) we get:

Vs = 3*iL + C*(2diL/dt+ L*d2iL/dt2)+ L*diL/dt

LC*d2iL/dt2 + (L + 2C)*diL/dt + 3*iL = Vs

The roots are given by r± solution of this equation,